Tuesday, June 17

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Us!

We were both able to take the day off and spend a very nice, leisurely day which was wonderful.
We started with an appt. to our ob/gyn (if anyone has not heard that I am 7 {updated number}weeks pregnant!)

We then spent some time shopping and then headed to a nice, secluded beach we have found for the afternoon. We ended with dinner at The Melting Pot, which if anyone has not gone and likes fondue, you HAVE to go!

Caribbean Cheese Fondue - oh man - it was the BEST!

Flaming Turtle Chocolate Fondue

And the best blessing of the day - the fondue dinner must have been ok with baby and I kept it all down!


Kristin said...

Happy Anniversary! Isn't it amazing how fast time flies? Congratulations on being pregnant! When are you due? I'm due Jan 20th. Hope you have been feeling well.

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!! Happy Anniversary!

Katie Barker said...

Oh my goodness Kelly! I hadn't heard!! Congratulations to you guys! Oh, that's so amazing. I look forward to the updates.

Anneke said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you were feeling well enough to enjoy your day. The little munchkin must have good taste buds already -fondue! Yum! :)