Monday, December 10

Catching up....

This little 'ole blogspot has been sorely neglected. A lot of crazyness happening lately. Momtourage consumes most of my spare computer time minutes. This month I got to do promos for University of Pittsburgh basketball, Harlem Globetrotters, & NCAA hockey tournament. It was the sports month apparently! Because I haven't had the time to go to all these events, I am able to pass extra tickets on to friends. It's so fun to see faces light up - who gets free tickets to events?! I love that part of my job!
We are going to see Harlem Globetrotters the day after Christmas. We got to go last year and Graham loved it.
My parents came for 5 days right after Thanksgiving. We had a great time with them and they helped decorate = double bonus!
I have found that a countdown calendar is non-negotiable for this stage of life. :) We turn around a number each day.  It's been awesome for Graham to know: on this date we're going on an airplane, on this date Mama & Papa come, on this date we go to your cousins and THIS date is Christmas!

We did get a brief dusting....the kids loved it!
A snowman marshmallow + hot chocolate is a perfect December tree-decorating kind of night.
Downtown to see the Christmas sights. I realized later, she couldn't hold her cracker b/c of her mittens and basically just knawed it down. I guess where there's a will, there's a way!
Andrew, Grandpa, Graham
Gingerbread spectacular
Yes, I will take that last drop of Izzy!

Best appliance ever. Happy birthday to me. Love, Mom & Dad. Love.
Many have asked where we are in our foster care process. Still in the middle of paperwork! However, we see the light at the end of the tunnel! We have one document to finalize and then have to go somewhere to be fingerprinted and have our home study....but we are close.
Parenting has been extremely challenging the past few months. I loved this post by my friend, Sue. This was also a timely reminder.
3 Christmas parties in 8 days? Check.
An unexpected gift arrived for travel funds, so slightly last minute, I am flying with Graham & Eden to this winter wonderland! First time flying with 2 kiddos alone. Wish me luck!
We are really enjoying this Advent calendar this year. (Recommended by Girltalk).
Love that it has a little book that comes with it and with each window to open, it has a short story & activity that is perfect for young ones.
Do not let anything steal your joy this Christmas season!

1 comment:

JordanandSue said...

I just love your new appliance, and I am amazed that you flew solo with 2 munchkins! Go, Kelly! Merry Christmas :)