Tuesday, March 11

Walk for Life

Many of you know I volunteer at The Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Tidewater. Their annual fundraiser the Walk for Life is coming soon! I want to ask anyone that lives in this area to consider being a Walker themselves or anyone to support Andrew & I through a pledge donation.

There are 3 walks this year to accommodate everyone's schedule: Saturday, April 19th is at Mt. Trashmore. There will be face painting, clowns, a big bounce, and games for the kids! Saturday, May 3rd is at The Virginia Zoo in Norfolk. This is an excellent one for families as the immediate family all gets free admission to the zoo for the day! Saturday, April 26th is at First Baptist Church of Suffolk. Andrew & I will be doing the Walk at Mt. Trashmore as we will be out of town for the other 2. For anyone that does not feel physically able to do a "Walk", you can still collect donations and have a part in this event and you don't have to do the actual Walk. Also, let me stress, the Walks do not have a specific end time, and once you start you can take as leisurely pace as you would like. Especially at the Zoo, you are free just to enjoy looking at the animals and enjoying a free Zoo day.

How do I get involved? Go to http://www.cpcfriends.com/ and click on Walk for Life. There you can register for the event and download a WFL brochure which will tell you exactly how to begin raising pledges for this event.

As we stressed a couple weeks ago in church, there are around 9,000 abortions happening in the Tidewater area each year. Many of these women are terminating their pregnancies because they believe they have no other choice. CPC is there to give hope, love & support, to those who need it the most. The Crisis Pregnancy Centers reached about 900 women last year and were able to give support and help to many women who were considering ending their pregnancies. The Centers offer pregnancy testing & ultrasounds, baby & maternity items, options counseling, and parenting classes all for free! The Centers want to reach more women this year! This event is your chance to help on the front lines in the battle for these little ones who do not have a voice. Last year this event had 600 walkers and raised $140,000. Their goal this year is to have 1,000 walkers!

Email me for more info or to make a pledge: aandkhughes@msn.com

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