Thursday, August 26

date night

Well, we have done it. We are past the excuses and the procrastinations and the hope that something will work out. We have decided to pay for baby-sitting. Probably not an earth-shattering moment for most of you, but it was something we really were hoping to avoid. are we cheap or what? :) Those who live by family, be veryveryveryveryvery thankful!
We ALL say, oh, of course we will keep our regular date nights after we have kids. After all, our marriage is our first priority. uh-ha. and then kids HAPPEN. So for us, 18 months, and oh, maybe, 6 dates later, it was time for drastic measures. Our marriage was suffering. Not having even a monthly time to go out of the house together, talk, share, laugh, really makes a difference. Graham goes to bed at 7, so we technically have about 3 hours each night of alone time. But it's not the same. You're in your sweats (super sexy), you're busy with the tasks you didn't get gone during the day, you're watching tv, you might have ice cream on your chin....yeah, not the same. :)
 We had tried doing swaps and we really thought that was the answer for us, but you know what? It's harder than it sounds. You feel like you're bothering someone or they feel like they're bothering you, and it can be difficult to work out times that work in both of your schedules.....We're still hoping to do the swaps, because we want to be available for others who need kid-sitting and we want to encourage other parents around us that you must absolutely go on dates. But I think you have to have an understanding that I'm not bothering you and you're not bothering me, so let's do it!  So, any Pgh parents out there that want to swap, call me. :)
So, last night we went out on a date. A 3 hour date. It was good. I didn't even bring the camera because I didn't want to be "writing a post in my mind" during it. I didn't even know if I would post anything about it. But, maybe some of you have gone thru this scenario or have some tips on how to make it work.
And so I encourage you, if anyone else if finding themselves going week after week without having that time out, make it happen.
So if it takes us a little longer to save for that larger vehicle or we can't necessarily go out for dinner all the time on our dates, it's ok. Because all you need is love. :) :)

[Love you babe, thanks for the FUN date!]


Kristin Blumer said...

I've gotta say - this made me laugh! Awesome.
remember. call me. I love Graham :P

kellyH said...

we will kristen. :)get your license SOON!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time out! And if Kristin lives in your city, don't wait for her to get her license. Some of our best sitters lived across town and didn't have a license. It's worth the effort to pick them up and drop them off. Some of them even had parents who would bring them if we got them home.

kellyH said...

well, she actually lives 45 minutes away! but we still may pick her up if needed. :)

JordanandSue said...

SO SO SO SO true, Kelly. We've done our best to make the most of the time we have at home together (yes, it is for the sake of being cheap, too) - but there's nothing like a true get-out-and-party date!! I love our times out, but I still know I can do so much more to make our dates in the living room or kitchen more fun. I need to get creative, because no one is exactly clamoring to watch two little crazies :)

juliechall said...

You know - even with family in the area - it's still easier to pay someone sometimes. It's hard when we want to go to dinner and a movie or something like that - but I have found it so worth it, and I know I'm encouraging the girl that I pay. I totally agree that you have to be intentional about this after kids. It takes work, but it is so fun and worth it!